Life skills are a set of abilities, attitudes and socio-emotional capability that enable individuals to learn, make informed decisions and exercise rights to lead a healthy and productive life and subsequently become agents of change.
Solve Problems
Be Creative
Listen Effectively
Speak Effectively
Think and Act positive
Aim High

Work in teams
Life skills are a complement and not a substitute to foundational skills like reading, writing and mathematics.
Life skills help in developing conceptual clarity and awareness of social rights in our children and adolescents.
Students who develop life skills are more aware about different career opportunities and options.
Adolescents who have life skills lead a productive life as an adult.
Kids who lack Problem solving skill may avoid taking actions when faced with a problem.
Lack of awareness of skills results in a situation where children may invest time in avoiding a challenge than fixing it.
Children and youth have limited access and exposure to Life skills
Teaching life skills is HARD
Teachers and schools struggle to assess and record life skills related growth
Skill gap needs assessment
Design Fun skill building activities ​
Support schools in building positive learning environment
Delivery through curricular and extracurricular channels
Monitor and record skill growth
Skill certification and report cards
Teacher capacity building to facilitate life skills