Play is the highest form of research.
Play is
one of the most important ways in which young children gain essential knowledge and skill. When children play, they are not thinking about the learning outcome, yet the play creates powerful learning opportunities across all areas of development.
Play satisfies a basic human need to express imagination, curiosity and creativity. Play helps us to cope, to find pleasure, and to use our imagination and creativity. Indeed, the skills that children acquire through play become the fundamental building blocks of future complex “21st-century skills”.
PLAY takes many forms
Play is joyful
Play is meaningful
Play is actively engaging
Play is iterative
Play is socially interactive

Playing is a universal right to all children, it's critically important for holistic wellbeing and development of a child.
Play enables children to take on an active role and ownership in their experiences, as well as recognising and trusting children to be capable, autonomous, and agents of their own playful learning journeys.
Integrate life skills in PLAY
Provide access to multi-lingual toy manuals for children
Access to Play pedagogy and strategies to build playful learning
Assess and measure your skills
Help schools build PLAYful environment
PLAY Certification